Beauty for Ashes
Category: Acrylic on board
Original Size: 20" x 24"
For details about print sizes, print options and prices contact Artist.

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" I’ve never done a painting like this before. I painted this from a dream I had in August of 2015 early in the morning. I don’t often remember any of my dreams, but this was more than a mere dream, it was very vivid and real. I was with my children looking over a field covered with two feet of gray ashes. To the left there was a multitude of people watching and waiting. My one son went to step into the field and I stopped him and told him not to walk on it. I lifted my hands to praise God and then saw a huge wind blowing the ashes away to reveal a field covered in bright gold coins. I believe God is about to do something amazing in all our lives and give us beauty for ashes. I hope this can encourage someone today."